Faculty Achievements:
- Number of Teaching faculty are using Zoom / Google Meet for online classes.
- Attended number of National / International Seminars / Conferences.
- Number of departments conducted Webinars / Workshops during pandemic time.
- More than 80% of the faculty are having publications in various journals.
Students Achievements:
- Our NCC cadet selected for Republic day parade conducted in New Delhi.
- One of our B.A. student Ch. Srikanth Reddy achieved Gold Medal in AcharyaNagarjuna University Examinations.
- Under our Jawahar Knowledge Center nearly 70 students got placements in various organisations.
- Most of our students won prizes in Quiz, Debate and Elocution competitions conducted in various colleges / organisations.
- Our Physical Education department trained number of students in various sports and most of them won prizes and all round championship conducted byAcharyaNagarjuna University.