Students Corner
  • Learner-centric education approaches are followed through appropriate methodologies. The support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like academic calendar, interactive & instructional techniques like audio-visual mode of teaching, projector & computer-based teaching-learning method and smart-classroom, internet access and laboratories with sufficient equipments, organizing seminars, debates, lectures by experts from other colleges & Universities. This is accompanied by experiential teaching like projects-based learning, field work, surveys, experiments and practical classes, etc.
  • Library, Computer Centre and Internet facility are the support systems and structures that enable the faculty members  to encourage the students to practice individual, collaborative and interactive learning as part of student-centric learning approaches. Facilities for ICT are also used by the faculty members to involve the students in student-centric learning practices.  
  • Students are encouraged to develop individual learning or self-learning strategies making use of the library and internet facility in the college. They  encouraged to watch video-lectures available in internet and YouTube along with some experiments and simulaton programmes.
  • In order to help students to practice collaborative learning strategies they are encouraged to take up groups projects in their  subjects by offering incentives, by creating opportunities for paper presentation in seminars and involving them in common activities.
  • Remedial coaching classes are also organized in such a way to encourage interactive learning.
  • Additional curriculum, debates, Quiz competitions, Seminars, Symposiums and workshops are conducted on current issues, scientific invention, latest discoveries, trends and students are motivated to participate in all these student-centric learning activities.


Thrust is given to ICT-(Information and Communication Technology) enabled teaching-learning process to make it effective and more student centric. The use of modern Audio Visual Aids/multimedia to complement the traditional method of lecture has made the teaching-learning methods interactive. ICT facility is used by many Departments using ICT enabled class room and the multimedia facility. It is equipped with LCD projector, computer, sound system etc. There are also computers with internet browsing facility to assist faculties in the preparation of teaching/learning materials. Technological advancement and innovations in educational transactions have been undertaken by Hindu College to make a visible impact on academic development as well as on administration & governance of the college.

  • Traditional methods of delivering higher education have become less motivating to the large number of students. To keep pace with the developments in other spheres of human endeavor, the college have enriched the learning experience of their students by providing them with computer-aided teaching/ learning materials. For example department of Botany has, its own LED Projector. Even, Physics department is encouraging their students to use OHP sheets, while delivering their seminars.
  • The Faculty is adequately prepared and make use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) optimally. Conscious effort is also being made to invest in hardware, and to orient the faculty suitably whenever is required. Almost all the faculty have prepared Power Point Presentations.
  • Audio-Visual mode of teaching for all departments with Flow Charts , Overhead Projector, LCD Projector, Laptop. English department has good number of CD’s and movies in their subject area. Department of Electronics is also doing well in this regard.
  • Conscious effort is also being made to orient the office and Library Staff to make use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) optimally. One computer faculty member is appointed in the library committee.



  1. Aka Dandaiah Pantulu Hall, worth at least Rs. 40,000/- in 1940, was graciously endowed by Sri Aka Dandaiah Pantulu. It is our Assembly Hall. In his memory the College and the high Schools grant fee concessions to the tune of Rs.500/- every year.
  2. Sri Maddi Sudarsanam gave handsome donation of about Rs 20,000/-for the construction of the Maddi Sudarsanam College of Commerce. He has been made Vice-President for life in the College Committee.
  3. The Majety family contributed Rs.8, 500/- to the Eastern wing of the College. Fee concessions of the total value of Rs.400/- are being given in their name every year by the College and the high Schools.
  4. Heirs of the late Srimati Kakumanu pitcamma of muppalla contributed Rs.10, 000/- to the Western Wing of the College main Building. A full scholarship is being given every year to the best inter students chosen from our high schools in her name.
  5. A sum of Rs.7,300/- was donated by late Smt. Mandapati Bharati Devi in memory of her husband late Narayana garu, for the construction of Barathi hall on the first floor of the main college building.
  6. Lands worth Rs.10,000/- were endowed by the son of late Sri kota Lakshmaiah Naidu, the sale proceeds of which were utilized for extending the College Buildings. Two full foe concessions are being awarded in his name every year.
  7. Smt. Siddabathuni Komalangamma made a gift of two acres of land, the proceeds of which amounting to Rs.14,000/- were utilized for the construction of the College Hostel as desired by her.
  8. Sri G.V.Hanumantha Rao, an old student of Hindu College High School and Hindu College, donated his houses having an area of about 1000 Sq.yds. Bearing Assessment No.7482 situated at 2/5, Arundel pet, GUNTUR, to HINDU COLLEGE, Guntur for using the building and site as an educational institution to serve the cause of children's education to commemorate the name of his family, `Gangaraju'.
  9. Smt.Devarapu Chinnamma gave a donation of Rs. I5, 000/- for the construction of the College Hostel.
  10. A House was bequeathed to the College by late Smt.Basani Challamma, in lieu of which Sri Padarthy Somayya gave an amount of Rs.4,000/­-.
  11. Lt.Col.Sankara Sastry donated Rs.4, 000/- in memory of his son Radhakrishna towards the construction of the main college building.
  12. Sri V.V.Punnaiah donated a sum of Rs.4, 000/- to the College
  13. Members of the family to late Sri Vallabhajosyula Subba Rao have donated a sum of Rs2, 500/- to be invested in a fixed deposit and the Annual interest there from to be utilized for awarding a scholarship in his name, to a poor and deserving student at the Degree or Intermediate level.
  14. Sri Tutupalli Venkata Lakshmi Narasimham donated a sum of Rs.5, 000/- to be kept in fixed deposit and the interest accrued thereon to be distributed to deserving Brahmin students.
  15. Two gold medals styled "Sai Chandra Sekhar Memorial Prize" donated by Sri P.Mastan Rao and P.Rukmini Devi, GUNTUR in memory of their third son Sai Chandra Sekhar, Lecturer in History HINDU COLLEGE, GUNTUR from out of the periodical interest accrued every year from the corpus fund of a sum of Rs. 10, 000/- to two meritorious students in the college of Senior intermediate Class and lll Degree Class.
  16. Sri A.Venkateswara Rao, Advocate, Guntur donated a sum of Rs.I0,000/- to be kept in Fixed Deposit and the interest accrued thereon to be utilized for awarding two Gold medals, one to the student who secures highest marks in B.Com Degree Examination and another to the student who secures the highest marks in the subject `Statistics' in III B.Com. Final Year Examination. This award was instituted in memory of his son Sri A.V.Ramakrishna.
  17. Late Sri pasam Radhakrishna Murthy Memorial Scholarship was instituted by his wife Sri pasam Dhana Lakshmi who donated a sum of Rs.10,000/- to be put in Fixed Deposit and the interest accrued therefrom to be given to poor and meritorious kapu/Telaga students of. Junior and Senior Intermediate Classes, to be given in the form of tuition/term fee remissions, and the remaining amount to be given to a first Year Degree Student.
  18. Dr. Siva P. Hari, C.E.O. and President of Jarrow Industries, California, U.S.A. donated an amount of Rs.One Lakh to Hindu College, Guntur to utilize the annual interest there on for giving TWO GOLD MEDALS and FOUR CASH PRIZES to students of M.Sc. Mathematics (male student) and M.Sc. Physics (female student) of Hindu College, Post-Graduate courses centre, Amaravathi Road, Guntur - 522 002 based on their Graduate course performance in the Names of the parents Hari Hanumayamma (mother) and Hari Punyakoty (father) annually.



  1. Late Sri Annamraju Seethapati Rao
  2. Late Sri Sanagapati Punnaiah
  3. Family members of Late Sri Vallabhajosyula Subha Rao garu
  4. Sri P.V.Krishna Murthy
  5. Sri Kalavagunta Narasinga Rao
  6. Sri Madhavapeddi Hanumantha Rao
  7. Sri Sistla Anjaneya Sastry
  8. Sri P.V.Narasimha Rao (Former H.O.D. of Mathematics)
  9. Sri Addanki Rama Mohan Rao
  10. Sri Kompalli Nageswara Rao
  11. Late Sri Chatti Ramakrishna Rao (Former H.O.D. of Botany)
  12. Sri B.Narayana Rao (Former H.O.D. of Zoology)
  13. Sri P. Venkateswara Rao (Former H.O.D. of Agriculture)
  14. Dr.B.S.L.Hanumantha Rao (Former H.O.D. of History)
  15. Smt. Kotamraju Lalitamba
  16. Sri Parabrahmam
  17. Sri B.Radhakrishna Murthy (Former H.O.D. of Sanskrit)
  18. M/s. Vijayalakshmi Jewelers, Guntur
  19. Smt. B.Satyavathamma
  20. Sri M.Poornachandra Rao
  21. Sri Mazumdar Nagaraju
  22. Sri N.Chidananda Rao
  23. Sri Kambhampati Venkata Krishna Sastry
  24. Sri M.A.Sastry

        and many others.

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